1. 1-2:利用跳板跳躍,避開火球,並收集金幣。
2. 2-4:在水底收集金幣,注意不要被鯊魚咬到。
3. Raccoon 王國:使用大金剛能力,穿越迷宮。
4. 7-A:利用「時空旅行」功能,跳過陷阱。
5. 王城:集中火力擊敗壞瑪利歐。
1. 瑪利歐64:重返瑪利歐宇宙
1. DK's Jungle Hijinxs:收集金幣,避開猴子王的攻擊。
2. Big-Eared Beetle Race:利用飛輪車競速,收集金幣。
3. Lethal Lava Land:使用潛水艇穿越熔岩區,收集金幣。
4. Rainbow Ride:乘坐彩虹雲,躲避障礙物,收集金幣。
5. Tiny-Huge Island:使用縮小/放大能力,通過迷宮。
1. Wii U 蝦皮:瑪利歐的最新冒險
Wii U 蝦皮 (2013)
《Wii U 蝦皮》是瑪利歐在Wii U平台上的最新力作。遊戲以「世界」為單位,分為「綠帽」、「花士」等多個世界。以下是幾個重要關卡的攻略技巧:
1. World 1-1: Collect coins and avoid enemies while learning the basics of gameplay.
2. World 3-2: Use the Boost Rush to quickly pass through the level and collect all the coins.
3. World 5-1: Defeat the giant fish boss by jumping on its head repeatedly.
4. World 6-2: Collect all the hidden stars in the level for a special surprise.
5. World 8-1: Use the new "Super Leaf" power-up to defeat the final boss of the game.
1. 新超級瑪利歐兄弟電腦:跨平台冒險
新超級瑪利歐兄弟電腦 (2003)
1. World 1-1: Collect all the coins and defeat the Koopa Troopas in your way.
2. World 3-2: Use the "Super Leaf" power-up to transform into a giant and easily defeat the boss.
3. World 5-1: Navigate through the underwater section by using the bubble power-up and collecting all the coins.
4. World 6-2: Find the hidden exit in this level by breaking all the bricks and defeating all the enemies.
5. World 8-1: Collect all the stars scattered throughout the level to unlock a special bonus.
1. 嘉義秘境IG:瑪利歐迷的拍照勝地
1. 忘憂森林:被茂密樹林包圍的湖泊,讓人忘卻煩惱。
2. 龍雲山莊:充滿日式風情的建築,適合拍網美照。
3. 阿里山神木區:巨大神木群,感受大自然的力量。
4. 二延平步道:蜿蜒曲折的步道,飽覽山林美景。
5. 多功能藝文特區:現代與傳統融合的建築,展現嘉義之美。